Steve Jobs eBook has bugs, you should probably re-download it
For those of you that downloaded the tell-all biography of the late Steve Jobs onto your iOS device, you may want to delete it and download it again. Why? Well, let’s just say we now live in a world where books can get bugs too.
Reports have come in from MacWorld UK that emails sent from the address are being sent to customers who downloaded first day editions of Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson to delete and re-download. The reason given doesn’t specifically mention any problems:
“Thank you for purchasing Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. A new version of the book is available to you at no charge.”
However, in the reviews in the iBook store does reveal that there may have been issues with the way some images and text were being formatted. Since then Apple has confirmed these emails and insists that the “small” group of people affected by the issue should download the new version of the bio.
Instructions on how to re-download the book are simple:
- Tap and delete the book from iBooks, as well as your iTunes library
- Sign out of your iTunes account
- Sign back in
- Go to the purchased section in the iTunes bookstore
- Select Steve Jobs and re-download
Not very difficult, but noteworthy for those who aren’t hip to Apple’s style of re-installations.