Uncharted film might get Neil Burger as writer and director
David O. Russel, whose film talents were better suited for projects not of video game origin, was first attached to direct the Uncharted adapation about a year ago. But after making countless changes to the story and mythos, thereby throwing out any sort of relationship between the proposed movie and its source material with the exception of its name, he was told to take a hike by Sony. Now a new challenger has entered the ring with The Illusionist and Limitess director and occasional screenplay writer, Neil Burger.
According to Variety, Neil Burger who recently worked on Limitless along with The Hangover star Bardley Cooper, is in talks with Sony to helm the Uncharted film project that’s been in development (sorta) for almost 2 years now.
Sony is apparently psyched with the possible new direction the film will take since it’s rumored to be a lot more closely tied with the game series, which should appease the requests of the PS3 exclusive’s fans. Now the only way this could be any better would be if Nathan Fillion announced on Twitter that he’d be playing someone curiously by the same name.
What baffles me however, is how could anyone take what Uncharted has done already and then completely ditch every detail about it the way David Russel did. The characters and the world already lend itself to film already, I mean it’s pretty much a modern day Indiana Jones tale, right?