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    Video - iPhone OS 4 gets jailbroken

    Available for little over 24 hours - it appears that Apple’s iPhone OS 4.0  (Developer build) has faced off against a disparaged jailbreak. After coming into the hands of one said developer (MuscleNerd), Apple’s latest-and-greatest iteration of the iPhone OS stood no chance. In a video posted to Twitter, MuscleNerd shows off iPhone OS 4.0 running both the Cydia and Veency app.

    Currently there’s no word on the street as to how you can achieve this for yourself, however word from the man himself claims that anyone considering putting an early developer release of iPhone OS 4.0 on their iPhone shouldn’t bother. As with most early releases of software, MuscleNerd claims that certain aspects of the OS are still “very buggy.” As for the somewhat sceptical: How about checking out the video posted after the break?

    References (1) Slashgear
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