Windows Phone 7 handsets can be disabled with a single specific SMS text
If I didn’t already own an iPhone then I’d definitely be the proud owner of one of those snazzy Windows Phone 7 handsets. I mean, the only reason why I don’t have one right now is the lack of support it gets as a platform. Though with reports about a single line of text disabling phones from a distance I don’t envy those who do have one.
WinRumors reports that a specific line of text sent as an SMS and received onto a Windows Phone 7 device will cause the phone to reset and refuses to let you back into the messaging hub.
The reason why this happens is merely the result of a security flaw, which is currently being reported to Microsoft directly by WinRumors. Along with the SMS issue, this particular phone hiccup will also occur if the user tries to send a Facebook chat message or sends a message through Windows Live to a recipient.
We won’t be posting the specific string of text that causes the issue, but we suggest you don’t go searching for it and messing with your WP7 friends >;)