Zack Snyder: Justice League movie will NOT connect to Batman or Superman films
You knew it was only a matter of time, especially after Marvel announced they were doing The Avengers — DC has finally decided to go ahead with the Justice League film. Though, this does put a couple of worrying thoughts on comic fans’ minds. Issues like, will Christian Bale and his smoker’s voice be starring alonside Rey Reynolds and his CG costume? Zack Snyder, director for the upcoming 2012 Superman film, also known for leading production on Watchmen and 300, has set the record straight.
I think all the Thor and Captain America hype has been making Warner Bros. a little nervous… well maybe not nervous, but if anything at least jealous. And so in the past few days we’ve been hearing a lot of developments going on around the studio about the movie’s script and who’s going to be taking it into production. And while Christopher Nolan is keeping mum on whether he’ll be leading the reins, Zack Snyder has some confirmation on who or what exactly we’ll be seeing and not seeing in it.
Zack Snyder:
“It doesn’t connect. Like what Chris Nolan is doing and what I’m doing with ‘Superman’, what they’ll do with ‘Justice League’ will be it’s own thing with its own Batman and own Superman. We’ll be over here with our movie and they’ll kinda get to do it twice, which is kind of cool.”
Marvel has crafted its entire movie line-up to mix and connect within each other’s universes, while it appears that DC will be doing the complete opposite. Their hero movies will stand on their own with the Justice League film also doing its own thing, reitterating what Snyder mentioned in his comment. Two different ways of doing things, just like Marvel and DC to exhibit how superheroes can be handled in different ways despite having a common fanbase.
[Title image by Alex Ross]