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    Android 2.1 for the Droid, oh yes it's real this time.


    When Motorola announced that the Droid would be receiving Android 2.1 via their Facebook page, bloggers and consumers alike were overcome with joy. However, as the week progressed it became apparent that the company had no intention of actually releasing the update within the specified timeframe. If you’re still holding out for Android 2.1 on your Droid, we’ve got good word that an official test build is running ramped in the wild. As of this moment it appears that Android 2.1 for the Droid will feature multi-touch in both the default browser as well as the revamped, re-stylised gallery application. You’ll also notice that the news and weather widgets have made the cut, however, the newer “application drawer” as featured on the Nexus One isn’t included in this build. Hopefully Motorola will be able to release this update soon, but more importantly, release it without any further setbacks.

     Video after the Break

    References (1) Engadget
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