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    Anonymous uses skills to attack and release usernames of those involved in pedophile network

    Alright, so we all are aware that Anonymous hasn’t always used their Justice League-type skills in the most wisest fashion possible — like that ill-concieved attack on Sony which brought PSN service to a screeching hault for almost an entire month. Yeah, well like many superheroes who need time to developy their crime fighting skills, Anon has finally found an outlet to show off its muscle, taking down the scum of the internet down; pedophiles and their innumberable underground sites and networks. 

    After first coming up with plans to fight back against corporations who blocked payments to Wikileaks, as well as helping organize the masses for Occupy WallStreet, the hacktivist group has set its sights on a new enemy, the underground world of child pornography. The operation this time is known as Operation Darknet, in which the group’s manifesto and resolve and can be seen below:

    According to Wikipedia, a darknet is defined as: ” […] any closed, private group of people communicating; however, since 2002, the term has evolved to more specifically refer to file sharing networks in general, whether that network is private or readily accessible to the public. The phrase “the darknet” is used to refer collectively to all covert communication networks.”

    The darknet network that’s being targeted is known as Lolita City, which apparently hosts thousands of images of child pornography. As the video above explains, this sort of “entertainment” (read as: filth) will not be tolerated by the group anymore, and so action has been swiftly taken by Anonymous on the part of civilized society everywhere.

    A timeline of events can be read over on pastebin, however a quick summary of what the group has down and plans to do can be seen in a short snippet below:

    “As promised here is the entire user database of the 1589 users active on Lolita City, an darknet trading site for pedos.

    While we were not able to obtain the password credentials (they use an SHA512 hash separate database to secure their passwords), but we were able to determine the following info of the server location.

    Using timing attacks with our Beowulf clusters located in Europe, Asia, the US, and South Africa.  we were able to determine an estimate TTL of the server’s location roughly in the USA. The NGNIX server hosting the content is on a shared server (we used select+benchmark SQLi to determine the MySQL performance) and did it hold up after 10,000 packets. The server was using hardened PHP with escaping.  We were able to bypass it with with UTF-16 ASCII encoding.

    We are suspending our attack on The Hidden Wiki, as we currently ran out AT&T prepaid bandwidth for our NetBSD toaster.  The “Nyan Nyan” NetBSD toaster had to be put to death to with Thermite, Burning Man Fashion.

    Heed not, we have two more “Nyan Nyan” embedded NetBSD toaster cats in the build process to take on these kiddie sites.  Why the Nyan Nyan cat?  For kiddie porners, that’s probably the only time they ever saw REAL p*ssy.  

    For the lulz, in the name of #antisec and #opdarknet.  We are going to DBAN our hard drives now. Also we have several pounds of Thermite to melt our computers.  Poor Nyan Nyan Cat, we miss you.

    Fear not we will have two more embedded machines in a week to take on CP sites.  Fear the Pedo Bear kiddie porners, it’s going to catch you soon!”

    A link to the final list of usernames can be seen reached here for all the public to see:

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