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SGP has no shortage of cases for iPhone or iPad, and their Linear Mini series, while being their budget line, is far from being comparable to a generic means of protection ...
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This week we talk some pretty important stuff like Anime Expo 2011, Captain America (is it good, bad, ugly?), MacBook Battery hacking, 3DS price cuts (now just $169), Battlefield 3 Alpha ...
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This week, we have a special show because we’re giving away a copy of the new Annihilation DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops (Steam, PC). We’ve done Giveaways before, but ...
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Special thanks — to Connor for filling in this episode!!! On this installment of the Okay Geek Show, Ricardo is away at the 2011 Anime Expo spreading the joy of Okay Geek with ...
about 13 years ago
  We have been underground bashing our keyboards and inhaling coffee for the past two weeks covering E3 2011 which has been a blast, but a lot of hard work. ...
about 13 years ago
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about 13 years ago
  This is our first video podcast, and we’re so proud we managed to do it live on Friday, all in one take. This episode, Ricardo and Brandon start the ...
about 13 years ago
  This week, we are talking about a veryity of topics that are strange, just as they are awesome. We’re talkin’ Bear Grylls, Piss, Thor, vocaloid raves, and a bunch ...
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Nintendo patenting single-player MMO concept

The title can be a little hard to understand but it’s exactly how it sounds; Nintendo has applied for a concept that would allow the world of a game be subjected to the decisions players have made across the globe, however the game itself would be a single-player experience. The only thing that makes it MMO is the shared world that changes dependant on the actions of its players. Did somebody say Pokemon? 

Gamespot sniffed this story out, and have released tid-bits on what the patent really is about:

“Those who want to play games that are more dynamic, not-based on Al and not-pre-scripted like multiplayer games, however, don’t want to ‘deal’ with other people, appreciate the privacy it provides.”

Nintendo has always been coy about online gaming as a whole, and this whole patent is one step forward, two steps back if you know what I mean. For instance, Nintendo’s own Pokemon franchise lends itself beautifully to an online setting, probably more so than any property out there on the market right now. The Big N sits on one of the biggest cash cows ever if only they had a network to connect them altogether. Imagine a Pokemon world where thousands (if not millions) of players could battle and trade pokemon with each other, take part in weekly and seasonal events, and not to mention be a part of a real league. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, that’s because it is. Nintendo refuses to give into the idea. For what reason? They’ve never really given a reason. 

Anyway, the patent in question is still being filed and reviewed, and is meant for Nintendo’s upcoming Wii U console, so who knows. Maybe it’s time for Pokemon to make the jump instead of Animal Crossing which is more boring than Tom Nook’s expression.

References (1) Gamespot
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