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    Nintendo: Wii U will only support a single "WiiPad" controller

    What I thought was a little off was when during Nintendo’s press conference they made mention that one person could use the Wii U controller while the other players could weild WiiMotes. Why would they have to do that, would they too get “WiiPads”? Apparently not. spoke to the Shigeru Miyamoto, who confirmed that at the moment there’s only one controller per system supported at this time.

    During their interview with one of gaming’s biggest icons, let alone head honcho over at Nintendo, information was divulged into if it would be possible to buy an extra “WiiPad” for the Wii U. According to Miyamoto, no you will not. 

    Shigeru Miyamoto
    Manager of EAD, Producer / Nintendo 

    “Our basic premise is that you can use one with a system,” said Miyamoto. “If we got to an idea of having multiple, it might be just more convenient for people to use their Nintendo 3DS and have a way to connect that. That being said, we are doing research about if someone brings their controller to their friend’s house and they want to play together on Wii U to whether or not something like that would be possible.”

    It does sort of make sense, since most of the action is happening on the tv screen in the first place. Though, in essence this would eliminate multiplayer in future Mario Kart titles in scenarios when the tv is turned off. 

    We’ll definitely hear something more official come from Nintendo in the upcoming months on any further changes, if they do occur.

    References (2) GamePro
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