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    Rumor - Rockstar developing GTA 5 for "Project Cafe" a.k.a. Wii 2

    The rumors just keep flying, each from their own separate yet reliable source. This time we’re hearing from that the infamous GTA and Red Dea Redemption studio, Rockstar, has had a dev it of Nintendo’s upcoming hardware for months now, and that they’re hoping to release a title for it at its launch some time late 2012.

    Since news broke out that Nintendo’s Wii successor was going to be stronger than the market’s current hardcore consoles, as well as boasting a 6” touch screen monitor on its controller, as well as courting third-party developers like nobody’s business, it’s been a non-stop, down hill roll into rumor mayhem. Once the flood games were opened it didn’t just rain, it poured. But how do you distinguish what’s true from all the bogus garbage that people just spit out for site hits? Well, you look at a site’s past credibility, and in this case, has been correct a number of times; such as when the NGP’s specs were first revealed before its official unveilment.

    Word is now from that Rockstar has not only had a “Wii 2” dev kit in its offices for months, but that they are indeed working on Grand Theft Auto 5 for the company in which takes pride for its family following and kid-friendly titles. Interestingly enough, GTA 5 was thought to be released in 2012 as well — the same time that this new console challenger is due to come out. While we aren’t 100% guaranteed that this is happening, or even will happen, the only thing we’re sure of is that this year’s E3 is definitely going to be interesting.

    References (3) Joystiq GoNintendo
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