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    Apple launches iBooks 2 for digital textbooks on iPad

    “What’s wrong with education cannot be fixed with technology,” Steve Jobs once said. It’s true that little can be done in tech field to make teachers, their school districts, and parents change the way in which they prepare a proper lesson plan. But they CAN take steps to nudge them in the right direction. Apple has focused on the consumer market for decades now, and with its appropriate household name, it hopes to be one synonymous with education reform and getting kids back on track to want to learn again by giving them, and their teachers, the tools needed to spark their interest. — More after the break!


    AT&T introducing new data plan rates, wants to punish your increase in data use

    Get your pitchforks ready, ‘cause At&t is raising prices again! But before you get your panties all in a bunch and throw a hissy-fit let’s get something straight. With the rise in data use through mobile apps, made popular due to the iPhone and Android offerings, from a business standpoint it makes sense to make a quick buck off a couple million people by raising rates up a few dollars. Okay, I don’t mean to defend the provider, since I’m with them and I hate them with each day that passes, but you gotta at least see where they’re coming from. And now that I’ve written that I wish they would simply do the same for us and give us what we’ve wanted, and actually had, from the start: an unlimited data plan. — More after the break! 


    Penny Arcade to start offering video game coverage

    There’s a shift in the tectonics plates in what is now known as “video game journalism”. People are moving, sites are being formed, and new Avenger teams are being assembled. But what does it all mean? Maybe not a lot, but as in the words of Ben Kuchera, Penny Arcade’s new editor in charge of video game coverage (for lack of a more precise title atm), “I don’t think it says much, other than the fact people are starting to really invest in good writing, as egotistical as that sounds.” It makes sense considering that the biggest sites like IGN and Gamespot attract viewers through headlines, whereas the refined gamers who enjoy editorials flock more towards sites with large editoral personalities. So what does this mean for Penny Arcade? — More after the break!


    PC - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim review

    Ah Bethesda games, they’re always so special. Huge open worlds to explore and huge amounts of entertainment are in all of their games if you can deal with the large amount of bugs and issues those games were riddled with. And here we are at the fifth Elder Scrolls game, a series that has become ridiculously popular since its inception, and it really doesn’t get much better than this. Bethesda has made their newest trek into the snowy north of Skyrim it’s most memorable and effective yet with fantastic graphics, design and, as always, the best sidequests in the buisness bar none. Not only does Bethesda meet the huge bar they’ve set for their series, they’ve exceeded it by leaps and bounds. — Our full review after the break!


    GlaDOS voice actress Ellen McLain reads letter to Princess Celestia -- (Video)

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    GlaDOS voice actress Ellen McLain reads letter to Princess Celestia -- (Video)

    Alright, in my defense I had to wiki “Princess Celestia” just so I could get the context of this video before posting it. But for all you bronies, well then I guess this one’s for you… and for science. 


    Microsoft stays mum on continued Xbox Live hack coverage, blames customers

    When you’re the victim of fraud most people tend to think that they’re going to get immediate support to help remedy the issue. I mean c’mon, we’re talking money here! Y’know, the stuff that makes the world go round? Unfortunately, a quick resolution to this sorta of theft is as big a dillusion as thinking you’re going to feel right-as-rain upon arriving at the hospital after a horrific car crash. It’s just not going to happen, especially when you’re given the run-around. Specifically, after a stunning number of frauds being reported within the past week from Xbox Live, you’d think Microsoft would be ready with a band-aid at least, no? Sadly, so is not the case. In fact, their public statement reassures customers that there’s nothing going on beyond users being too lax with passwords and letting their guards down against phishing tactics. The facts say otherwise. — More after the break!


    SOL Republic Tracks headphones review

    Let’s face it, headphones can be a pain to buy. Some headphones are surrounded by hype and celebrity sponsorships but are generally considered in the tech world to be way overpriced (and because of that, slightly overrated). And yet, there are other types of headphones that are fairly unknown but can be the best bang-for-your-buck-cans out there! Today we’ll be taking a look at the latter, the $99 Tracks headphones by a new company called SOL (Soundtrack of Life) Republic. How do they stack up against other headphones in the price range? — Our full review after the break!

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