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    HP apparently offering 1.1 Million Dollar PC exclusive to Best Buy

    Today while casually browsing my Facebook timeline, I stumbled along a post made by a friend of mine who had found a page on the Best Buy online store for an HP computer (cached). It looked like a run-of-the-mill desktop PC, but after a clear glance of the price tag, I immediately knew this was not like any other computer that I’d ever seen before. This one in particular was a pinnacle of technical innovation, a trophy of humanities achievements, and it was, ever so elegantly, tipping the scales at 1.1 Million dollars.


    CES 2012: The Sleuth Camera Pack from Timbuk2 - Video

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    CES 2012: The Sleuth Camera Pack from Timbuk2 - Video

    Okay Geek hangs out with Timbuk2 to check out some of the coolest camera bags coming this year, and one of the best ones with the “casual photographer” in mind. The “Sleuth Camera Pack” will arrive later in 2012 with a retail price of $139 and the photographer in mind. The idea is cool enough, but with the steep-ish price, would you fork up the bones to own a new Sleuth Pack?


    Okay Geek Presents: CES 2012 Beyond the Show Floor (series)

    You’ve all probably wondered why we’ve gone dark over the past week without the smattering of daily posts and videos, and we have tons of excuses, but it’s mostly due to the organization of our new series we’re calling “CES 2012: Beyond the Show Floor”. We’re slipping by the rows of booths, circus performers and hordes of people to go directly to the meat and potatoes of CES — the products being presented and the people who make them.


    Things we were most excited about today at CES 2012

    This time every year, CES hits and the entire tech blogging world goes nuts with tons of posts and liveblogs. Here at Okay Geek, we’re not going all out with CES this year but still think it’s important to select a few things we’re the most excited about at CES each day. Today marks the official start of CES so hit the break for our top picks!


    SGP Linear EX Meteor Series Infinity White bumper case for iPhone 4 /4S review

    The bumper case is a popular form factor for many iPhone 4 and 4S owners so of course we had to take a look at SGP’s very own offering. The company thoughtfully adds SGP Steinheil films for the front and back of the iPhone for extra protection and value. How does the SGP Linear EX Meteor Series perform? — Our full review after the break!


    Free My Apps - Get Paid iOS Apps for Free by Downloading Free Apps

    When we first came across Free My Apps, we were pretty dubious about the entire concept, but now that we’ve given it a shot and gotten a couple of paid iOS apps for free (within a couple of minutes), we’re pretty excited about it. So what is Free My Apps and how does it work? Find out after the break! (Disclaimer - We’re not getting paid to write about this service, we just think it’s pretty awesome and that you guys should know about it!)


    Final Fantasy X not just getting an HD port, but full blown remake for PS3 and Vita

    In the last decade or so it’s been hard to say that Square Enix has come up with anything new or original. I mean, do they make anything else besides Final Fantasy remakes, spin off’s or Kingdom Hearts games? Well, the future doesn’t seem to be changing since we’re expecting to see Final Fantasy X remerge on the Vita and PS3… as a full blown remake? Wait, what and hold the phone! As one of the most iconic games in the series this might be a big deal. — More after the break!

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