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    Dead or Alive 3DS canceled due to boobies

    Well, maybe not canceled around the world, but at least in Denmark, Sweden, and the Norway. So what’s all the fuss about? Apparently, the DOA girls themselves and the fact that they’re all underage — mix that with the game’s “figure” mode, and you have the perfect reason for some to freak out as if its kiddy porn. 

    Nintendo is being coy about the situation, not really delving into specifics as to why Dead or Alive: Dimensions for the 3DS isn’t being released in the aforementioned countries. In a statement issued to Eurogamer, games distributor Bergsala had this to say:

    “Nintendo of Europe have decided not to release the game in Sweden, for various reasons. However, they do not want to list any details regarding their decision. We are sorry for how this impacts the Swedish fans of Dead or Alive. Thankfully, it’s extremely unusual that these things happen.”

    But according to reports, the compaint was first brought to attention when a forum poster noticed that the famous DOA girls (namely Kasumi, Ayane, and Koroke) were under the age of 18, and players were able to photograph them in various angles. This would potentially violate child pornography laws of the land that state that no minor can be put into a pornagraphic setting. I’m assuming this is all that was needed for Nintendo to go on high alert and prevent a PR nightmare.

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