Pokemon director recounts his feelings for E3's love of war and shooters
How does Pokemon Black and White’s director (to the left on the above image) feel about all the praise given to shooters and ultra-violent games during this past summer’s E3? Well, he was quite amazed and a little dumb-founded according to some words he’s penned down on GameFreak’s blog.
It’s a little surprising to hear the thoughts of those behind the Pokemon games since most of the time they tend to keep to themselves. However, Junichi Masuda the director for the latest Pokemon games in the main, handheld series, seemed to show disdain for the love of violence and continued awe in shooters and other-like games.
Posted by him on the GameFreak’s blog:
“This year, FPS war games were trend!!
A lot of splatter scenes!!
Blood spread everywhere.
Shooting a lot, killing a lot.The game developer seems get used to
“kill” the target.
Therefore, I felt “how to kill” became a focus
of developing game.For that reason, target become
zombie and alien…
These targets’ savage attack and
human counterattacks…
It became savage contents and
you never know.Mmm…
It is the player who choose the game to play.
As a game creator, it is little sad!Majority of the games look like a same game.
There were little of original games.
I felt a sense of crisis with above part.”
It’s not completely sure whether or not he’s talking completely about violent games altogether in the last part, or rather just about games taking on a repetitive nature. Quite ironic coming from a guy whose game series has spanned nearly two decades by never changing up the original formula.