Articles filed in playbook

iPad 2 vs Blackberry Playbook... Fight! - Video
Once again, jon4lakers from TechnoBuffalo pulls through with a really well done (and energetic) comparison between two of the hottest devices on the market, the BlackBerry PlayBook and the iPad 2. He goes through multiple sectors of comparison (browser, screen etc.) and dives deep into each. Do you plan to get a PlayBook or an iPad 2?

BlackBerry PlayBook Unboxing - Video
It’s that time to unbox something again, and CrackBerry has just the thing to break into — the brand new BlackBerry PlayBook packaging. The packing itself is really fresh compared to a lot of other BlackBerry gear, and the PlayBook itself looks just fantastic. We really hope the PlayBook can provide Apple a run for it’s money, because so far nobody has managed to even chip away at Apple’s ruthless grip on the tablet industry.
iPad 2, Xoom, PlayBook and Galaxy Tab 10.1 - Specification comparison
It’s about time we did this, one of our gadget comparisons. This time we have the iPad 2, Motorola Xoom, BlackBerry PlayBook and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and it’s an all-out brawl. We’ve got dual core proccessors, 4G networking, HDMI and Magnetic Blankets — It’s gonna get messy, so feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments!
Is RIM really going to supplement BlackBerry apps for Android?
A recent article on BGR suggests that Research in Motion will be looking to supplement its BlackBerry application store with Android based apps. As crazy as it sounds, this isn’t the first time sources close to the smartphone manufacturer have leaked information to the aforesaid popular blog. No, in fact, late last month BGR received a tip claiming that Android applications would make their way to RIM’s upcoming Playbook tablet. — More after the break!

"Scrapbook" for BlackBerry PlayBook Demo - What now Apple?
This is the most “Apple-ish” thing we have ever seen from a company besides Apple. BlackBerry Scrapbook takes the creative process to a whole new level — because it can. The PlayBook has a powerful processor so it can deal with the eye candy that you see in the video. Great work BlackBerry… your move Apple.

Blackberry Playbook compared to the iPad - by Blackberry
As you can see, the Playbook totally destroys the iPad in every aspect of the web — but in Blackberry’s eyes, the web is about “performance” and not “usability + performance”. If you think hard about what a tablet means to most consumers, battery-life seems to be a number one priority, and the iPad has some sort of limitations put on performance in the name of battery life. Sure the Playbook seems to have more horsepower, but what is the battery like in the real world? — Plus, we really want to play with one (they look so cool!) before we make judgements.
BlackBerry PlayBook Makes Cameo in Black Eyed Peas Music Video
Yep this is the new “The Time (Dirty Bit)” music video from The Black Eyed Peas and at around 3:17, the BlackBerry PlayBook makes a cameo. Just to show how you can have a good time while using the PlayBook at a party. Try telling us the PlayBook is business oriented again. Yeah right. Full video after the break!
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