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    Here are your 2011 VGA winners and premiere trailers

    As the show began there was a glimmer of hope and promise. Zach Levi, star of NBC’s Chuck, seemed genuine and was as passionate about his role as host just as last year’s Neil Patrick Harris was. The intro to the show was done quite well too, with even a nod to the fact that the audience was made up of developers from the various studios. The way in which Zach said, “this night is for you, for the developers,” gave me a slight tingle that this could be the year the show was redeemed. And yet… here we are… *sigh* And what’s worse is that between all the countless jokes, puns, trailers, and premieres, the award show aired only about 4 actual awards on stage. Talk about pathetic. So if you wanna know who won just hit the jump. — More after the break!


    Metal Gear Solid Rising trailer leaks ahead of VGA premiere -- (Video)

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    Metal Gear Solid Rising trailer leaks ahead of VGA premiere -- (Video)

    It’s literally been years since we last saw or heard of Raiden and his own game, Metal Gear Solid: Rising. And today’s Video Game Awards were meant to break the silence and show off what Kojima’s been up to all this time. Well, leaks ruin plans but sometimes they make the hype all worth it. Is this a case of the latter? With the reveal of Platinum Games studios involvement it would seem so.


    In case you had any doubts, Keanu Reeves is a gentleman -- (Video)

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    In case you had any doubts, Keanu Reeves is a gentleman -- (Video)

    If you haven’t read lately, Keanu Reeves may be the most single tragic human being to walk the planet. But despite what life has given him, he’s still been able to pick himself up and be that awesome dude you wish all actors would be. Keanu saved us all from the machines and the grip of the Matric, and here he is saving a lady from having to stand while on the subway. Beautiful — *tear*.


    Rumor - iPad 3 with retina display shipping in February 2012

    When the iPad 2 came out some were disappointed to hear that they wouldn’t be getting that delicious retina display screen, as seen on the iPhone 4. And it also sucked for those same people who went ahead and picked up the second generation Apple tablet only to read just a mere few weeks later that the next version of the iPad would indeed host a screen with retina display. Well, stop the presses since a rumor has come out that iPad 3 will not only feature that high resolution display, but also is just right around the corner. — More after the break!


    iFrogz Fusion case for iPhone 4 / 4S review

    So you spent anywhere from $99 to $849 for your shiny new iPhone 4 or 4S. At any given moment, no matter how careful you may be, that glass built rectangle of sexy can fall and shatter. So there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t have a case to give it some extra protection in case it takes a spill. But we know you’re not made of money, and sometimes you don’t want to fork over $50 for a case that does the same job as a cheaper alternative. So here we are looking at the Fusion case by iFrogz, which doesn’t cost a fortune, feels great in the hand, and doesn’t look all that bad too. — Our review after the break! 


    How to enable the New Twitter (all steps included) #LetsFly

    Before we take a dive into the new Twitter, let me make something clear - this isn’t an update for Twitter. This is a complete re-work of the entire company, and the re-design is just the surface. With the unification of their follow & tweet buttons, the addition of branded pages, embeddable tweets, and the re-built apps, Twitter is taking the first steps required to become a very profitable company. The key to all of this is transforming the billions of tweets, photos and videos into useful information for their users, and blurring the lines between mobile, desktop and apps — Now, let’s make sure you get in first.


    OnLive releases tablet / iPad support for next-gen gaming via streaming

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    OnLive releases tablet / iPad support for next-gen gaming via streaming

    We’ve seen it, we’ve used it, and OnLive is a service that no one should ignore. While you may have a sweet gaming set-up on your entertainment system or at your PC, there’s always that chance that somene else may be using it and you’re still in the mood to game. Well, with OnLive’s new update and app that allows you to wirelessly stream games to your Android tablet or iPad, you can go just about anywhere… as long as you’re hooked up to WiFi and are sporting their wireless controller ($50) — buy HERE.

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