Here are your 2011 VGA winners and premiere trailers
As the show began there was a glimmer of hope and promise. Zach Levi, star of NBC’s Chuck, seemed genuine and was as passionate about his role as host just as last year’s Neil Patrick Harris was. The intro to the show was done quite well too, with even a nod to the fact that the audience was made up of developers from the various studios. The way in which Zach said, “this night is for you, for the developers,” gave me a slight tingle that this could be the year the show was redeemed. And yet… here we are… *sigh* And what’s worse is that between all the countless jokes, puns, trailers, and premieres, the award show aired only about 4 actual awards on stage. Talk about pathetic. So if you wanna know who won just hit the jump. — More after the break!