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    Rock Band to soon release Rush's 20-min. song, "2112" for your gaming enjoyment 

    So you’ve been playing Rock Band for years, and you and your bandmates (read as: friends) are pretty good at it. Well, think of this upcoming DLC announcement as the warning for your final exam to get as much practice in as you possibly can. Rush’s “2112” will soon be released in a few days and it’ll host a 20 min. medley that will test your skills and endurance to the core. — More after the break!


    Nintendo releases official Legend of Zelda timeline, actually makes sense

    The Zelda timeline has been something that Nintendo nerds and Zelda fanboys alike have argued over for years upon years. And to add fuel to the flames Zelda producer and director Eiji Aonuma came out and claimed that the franchise did in fact follow a heavily guarded timeline, though it was a secret that only Nintendo knew. Well, it’s been a few years since that quote was first spoken, and here we are at the end of the 25th anniversary of the series now bestowed upon with the official timeline, brought to you by Nintendo’s official Zelda artbook. — More after the break!


    Penny Arcade reveals Ocean Marketing PR is poo poo

    One of the most curious and yet useful controller peripherals we’ve seen to date was premiered by N-Controller with its Avenger release. The bad thing however is the choice in PR firm, which would represent this product and communicate to customers. Ocean Marketing Inc. was put in charge, and subsequently Paul Christoforo was now the Avengers’ marketing guy, who also runs (read as: ran) Ocean’s twitter account. Well, after a monumental failure in customer communication, Paul was contacted by Penny Arcade’s Gabe, who stepped in to moderate the email conversation and bring it to the mainstream. — More after the break!


    Portable Gamecube gets music video treatment, makes you jealous -- (Video)

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    Portable Gamecube gets music video treatment, makes you jealous -- (Video)

    We’ve seen a number of portable SNES, NES, Gamecube, and even N64 systems made by Do-It-Yourselfer’s in the past, but I just realize… don’t they all look a little familiar? *cough “Wii U” cough*. Well, anyway seeing Tchay’s work truly pays tribute to the glory of the Gamecube, which is pretty interesting considering at the time the GCN was seen as possibly Nintendo’s final system. But looking back on it, it certainly almost feels like a Dreamcast 2 of sorts. — More info on its creation can be seen HERE.


    ARK ARKHIPPO II bumper case for iPhone 4 / 4S review

    You’re probably wondering, “What the heck is that huge thing around your iPhone?” Well, we would like to proudly introduce you to our new friend, the ARKHIPPO II bumper case. Compatible with the iPhone 4 and 4S, this case is one of the most interesting designs you’ll ever find and that has actually made it to the product stage. Boasting excellent drop protection and self standing stand capabilities, how does the ARKHIPPO II perform as a case? — Our full review after the break!


    Rumor - Apple trying to get iPad 3 out by Steve Jobs birthday, Feb. 24th

    So we know it’s coming… the iPad 3. It’s due to be released within the next few months, anywhere from as soon as January to as late as April. But a new rumor is surfacing that the 3rd generation iPad will be out for Steve Jobs birthday, which is February 24th — that is, if Apple can get it out by then. Also, Jobs would’ve been 57 in two months. — More after the break!


    Skyrim theme performed by Christmas light decoration -- (Video)

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    Skyrim theme performed by Christmas light decoration -- (Video)

    Nothing could make you feel like you’re in the northern most region of Skyrim than this stunning Christmas light rendition of the game’s theme. Now all we needed was a life-size Dragon statue breathing fire and the scene would’ve been complete. I guess we’ll just have to stick to our in-game worlds for that, or pretend we have an invisible dragon glitch… 

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