Microsoft stays mum on continued Xbox Live hack coverage, blames customers
When you’re the victim of fraud most people tend to think that they’re going to get immediate support to help remedy the issue. I mean c’mon, we’re talking money here! Y’know, the stuff that makes the world go round? Unfortunately, a quick resolution to this sorta of theft is as big a dillusion as thinking you’re going to feel right-as-rain upon arriving at the hospital after a horrific car crash. It’s just not going to happen, especially when you’re given the run-around. Specifically, after a stunning number of frauds being reported within the past week from Xbox Live, you’d think Microsoft would be ready with a band-aid at least, no? Sadly, so is not the case. In fact, their public statement reassures customers that there’s nothing going on beyond users being too lax with passwords and letting their guards down against phishing tactics. The facts say otherwise. — More after the break!