Articles filed in News

Kingdom Hearts 3D gets new 8-min. Jump Festa trailer -- (Video)
For over half a decade we’ve been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3, but Square’s other projects (namely, Final Fantasy Versus XIII) has kept the KH series on portable systems. That being said however, we’ve never been short changed in terms of quality gameplay or story advancement in these handheld titles. And if anything, while its plot continues to get even more complex, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is a testament to the amount of work these games gets due its large fanbase and continued success — especially with the inclussion of words from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Three Mousekateers, Tron: Legacy, and The World Ends With You.
Next Pokemon game goes feudal Japan with Nobunaga's Ambition
Doth my eyes decieve me or is Nintendo setting Pokemon in feudal Japan along with katana-weilding Samurai’s? But wait a minute, wait minute… this all seems too good to be true. And as you probably already guessed it, yes, it is too good to be true. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this isn’t the next major Pokemon RPG you’ve been waiting for all these years. In reality, this game is a cross over between the Japanese favorite real-time-strategy series, Nobunaga’s Ambition, and the cuddly pocket friends we love so much from Pokemon. Announced at the annual Jump Festa event in Japan, this spin-off title dubbed Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition (clever name) is set to release in Spring of 2012 in the region, with no word yet on a worldwide release. We have a trailer on the other side of the read more button.
Free GBA games for 3DS Ambassadors now available for download
You’d think that as part of their loyal fanbase who went out and dished out over $200 to buy the hulking 3DS machine, Nintendo would at least be kind enough to tell us when their GBA line-up was ready for download, right? Well, the games are available now and NOA is still mum through both press release and 3DS notification. Weird, I would say but at least the games and release dates formally announced through Nintendo of Europe remain unchanged for those of us in the states. Download them now! — More after the break!
Marvel and DC superwomen are breast cancer awareness advocates
While not officially licensed by DC Comics, these breast awareness ads couldn’t be any more of a tasteful and classy depiction of our female superheroes. To fight crime is one thing, but to also do PSA’s for the continued protection and well being of Earth’s citizens goes above and beyond. Drawn up by artist Maísa Chaves (on deviant art as Halfy), these comic book heroines were used in ads during the annual Mozambique Fashion Week (Dec. 5th - 10th), in which breast cancer awareness was being campaigned for. — More after the break!

Humble Bundle #4 is the best yet, name your own price for Super Meat Boy and Bit Trip Runner
There’s little to say about this season’s official Humble Bundle (dubbed #4) except, “holy cow!” Super Meat Boy and Bit Trip Runner alone are worth $25 on Steam by themselves! But for the next two weeks, you’ll be able to snag them, along with Jamestown, Night Sky, and Shank, all for whatever price you want to pay — with whatever portions you select going to charity. And if you spend more than $5.38 in total you’ll also get Gratuitous Space Battles and Cave Story+. So why not give a little — you’re getting a lot back. — Buy them now HERE!
Titles for free GBA games for 3DS Ambassadors announced, releasing Dec. 16th
Remember back in summer when Nintendo admitted they sorta boned all those people who paid full price for the 3DS, since they went ahead with an $80 price cut less than 4 months after its release? Yeah, well if you do then you might recall the “3DS Ambassador program” they came up with to show their loyalty to those Nintendrones, I mean customers — what am I saying, I waited in line to pick mine up at midnight — by offering 10 free NES and 10 free GBA games exclusively to them. That being said, the NES games came out in September, and now finally the GBA games are only days away from being downloadable. — More after the break!

Hideo Kojima talks Metal Gear Rising, MGS5 starring The Boss and Cobra Unit -- (Video)
Since the re-announcement of Metal Gear Solid Rising it would seem that Kojima cannot stop talking about it and is having a hard time shutting up on the subject — not that it’s a bad thing. He’s been retweeting people’s reactions to the new game in Olympic fashion, and he’s even released a couple of interviews and behind the scene stuff on the development of Rising. But in one such interview, Kojima-san interestingly faded away from Rising and started talking about the possible concepts that might be going into the next numbered Metal Gear Solid game; one that might star “The Boss” and her legendary Cobra Unit invading Normandy during World War 2.
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