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about 12 years ago
SGP has no shortage of cases for iPhone or iPad, and their Linear Mini series, while being their budget line, is far from being comparable to a generic means of protection ...
about 13 years ago
This week we talk some pretty important stuff like Anime Expo 2011, Captain America (is it good, bad, ugly?), MacBook Battery hacking, 3DS price cuts (now just $169), Battlefield 3 Alpha ...
about 13 years ago
This week, we have a special show because we’re giving away a copy of the new Annihilation DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops (Steam, PC). We’ve done Giveaways before, but ...
about 13 years ago
On this week’s show, Connor and Brandon talk Facebook Video chat, cereal and milk, Bioshock Infinite, Quadrotors, the new Youtube, Spotify coming to the US, Connor gets his iPhone hacked and ...
about 13 years ago
Special thanks — to Connor for filling in this episode!!! On this installment of the Okay Geek Show, Ricardo is away at the 2011 Anime Expo spreading the joy of Okay Geek with ...
about 13 years ago
  We have been underground bashing our keyboards and inhaling coffee for the past two weeks covering E3 2011 which has been a blast, but a lot of hard work. ...
about 13 years ago
  This week on the show, Ricardo and Brandon sit down and talk about the widest veryity of topics ever discussed before… we start with Basketball and end up talking ...
about 13 years ago
  This is our first video podcast, and we’re so proud we managed to do it live on Friday, all in one take. This episode, Ricardo and Brandon start the ...
about 13 years ago
  This week, we are talking about a veryity of topics that are strange, just as they are awesome. We’re talkin’ Bear Grylls, Piss, Thor, vocaloid raves, and a bunch ...
about 13 years ago
  You remember the our old podcast right? Well that was somewhat of a test. A test to see if our readers would enjoy hearing us and listening to what ...
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Articles filed in News


Penny Arcade reveals Ocean Marketing PR is poo poo

One of the most curious and yet useful controller peripherals we’ve seen to date was premiered by N-Controller with its Avenger release. The bad thing however is the choice in PR firm, which would represent this product and communicate to customers. Ocean Marketing Inc. was put in charge, and subsequently Paul Christoforo was now the Avengers’ marketing guy, who also runs (read as: ran) Ocean’s twitter account. Well, after a monumental failure in customer communication, Paul was contacted by Penny Arcade’s Gabe, who stepped in to moderate the email conversation and bring it to the mainstream. — More after the break!


Fire Emblem 3DS will be first Nintendo title to get paid DLC

There have been software updates to fix games, and even firmware downloads to patch security issues but there’s yet to be found any paid DLC (downloadable content, for all you non-gamers) on a Nintendo system to date. Well, that’s all about to change, now that a new Fire Emblem game is heading onto the 3DS, and will be bringing with it additional content for you to throw your hard earned pennies at Nintendo, cause y’know… they don’t already have enough of it. Reports are also saying that the Wii U will also take advantage of paid DLC. — More after the break!


Massive boycott prompts GoDaddy to change its stance on SOPA bill

GoDaddy.com, the domain name provider that isn’t exactly looked very highly upon in the industry, is not having a good week. I’m assuming you’re familiar with SOPA, the anti-internet bill that has been making headlines lately. If you’re not, then you can freshen up by watching this guy’s video. It all really means that depending on the circumstances, the copyright holders can stop search engines from linking to those sites, or even worse, require internet service providers to block access to them completely. The bill also would make unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content a felony. This has put GoDaddy in hot water due to their stance on the bill. — More after the break!


Nintendo issues fix for Zelda Skyward Sword game breaking glitch

So last night I personally just finished the Song of Hero quest, which roughly is at the very last leg of your journey to complete the main adventure, and I came out of it unscathed. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case for what could be hundreds of fellow Skywardians (?) who’ve been plagued by a stupid game-breaking glitch. Well, unlike the olden days in which you would have to start all over again, Nintendo will be releasing a specific channel on the Wii to help restore game saves. — More after the break!


Warner Bros. concerned over reaction to Bane's voice in Dark Knight Rises

We’ve been posting leaks, trailers, and all that good stuff, so by now you’ve more than likely heard the infamous muffled voice of Tom Hardy’s Bane. It suits the character for sure, but is it too much? Some members of the media who were given a sneak peek at the 6-min. prologue complained that Bane sounded a little too “unintelligiable”. And movie-goers also raised their concerns to Twitter when watching both the prologue and trailer. The studio is on Chris Nolan’s back about this but he seems to want to go with what they’ve got, as if it’s part of his master plan. — More after the break!


Wolverine pirate gets 1 year of federal prison and we wonder if it was worth it

It’s been nearly two years to the day when we first reported news about Gilerbto Sanchez, a.k.a. the guy who uploaded the leaked, unfinished version of the Oscarworthy, Marvel masterpiece X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Well, the verdict has come and its been decreed upon this evil man who would dare share such a crappy movie with millions of would-be piraters, that he be given 1 full year in a federal prison. Dang, son! I wonder if Ryan Reynolds will visit him in the clink? — More after the break!


Apple and Google secretly working on wearable gear, kinda like iPod nano watches

Turning the iPod Nano into a wearable watch may have been the first step into this new direction in Apple devices becoming the apparel of the future. Google is also hot on their heels, looking for ways to integrate wearable tech. This isn’t a far off notion as you might think considering for those who are tied to their smartphones and just can’t live without them — having them on your person at all times will make lugging around separate devices save time and also add a new definition to brand recognition. — More after the break!

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