Articles filed in News

OnLive releases tablet / iPad support for next-gen gaming via streaming
We’ve seen it, we’ve used it, and OnLive is a service that no one should ignore. While you may have a sweet gaming set-up on your entertainment system or at your PC, there’s always that chance that somene else may be using it and you’re still in the mood to game. Well, with OnLive’s new update and app that allows you to wirelessly stream games to your Android tablet or iPad, you can go just about anywhere… as long as you’re hooked up to WiFi and are sporting their wireless controller ($50) — buy HERE.
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto retiring from current position, would like to focus on small projects
Jonny Ive at Apple was said by Steve Jobs to answer to no one but him. As a designer, his word say was the final say. But when it comes to Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto is their very own Ive — being responsible for one of, if the THE most recognizable video game character of all time, Mario. Not only that, but Miyamoto-san was also instrumental in the conception of Donkey Kong and The Legend of Zelda franchises, among many others. But it would seem that the father of Nintendo has decided to stay out of the lime light, and go back to helping on smaller games rather than the bigger titles, like Mario Galaxy and such. Though he worded it differently, using the word “retire”. — More after the break!
Windows 8 public beta hitting the streets in February
Windows 8 is a curious little bugger. It’s stuck in this middle-aged crisis where it’s not sure yet what it wants to be. It’s got the makings of the popular Windows Phone Metro theme, and yet when you select many of the apps they open up in what appears to be good ol’ Windows 7. While the new direction is refreshing, it’s a little saddening to see Microsoft taking it only half way… if even that. But if you’re curious to see what it’s all about and missed out on the developer’s beta, you can expect to get your hands on it in February. — More after the break!

Pid: Portal, Little Big Planet and Super Mario rolled into one game - (Video)
I love games that take our favorite things, and mix them up just the right way without simply copying the original and instead adding some new value and polish to them. Pid is a side-scroller, co-op game where you manipulate the world to get through without causing too much trouble for yourself. It’s got stealth, a great style and the music is definately going to be killer — Pid should be coming to digital platforms 2012
3DS gets updated today, comes packed with 3D video shooting and more
While everyone’s been clamoring and complaining over the new Xbox dashboard update, Nintendo’s been quietly updating their new handheld. Loaded with a ton of new features, the 3DS is now ready for the holidays, giving kids and adults a whole new way to create modern, Gameboy Camera-like experiences with the use of 3D video shooting capabilities and the additional stop-motion mode. — More after the break!

Microsoft releases Xbox dashboard update, available to everyone -- (Video)
Tons of new features — probably more than ever seen in one single update since NXE first launched a few years ago. On top of loads of Kinect functionality, you also get TV options for subscribers of certain cable services across the globe. We won’t go into them here since the list is pretty extensive but Major Nelson has been kind enough to do that for us — seen HERE.
"Pirating is a-okay, contributes to music sales," says the Swiss government
So there’s this thing called piracy, and it’s sorta all the rage with folks looking to save some cash. While Jack Black may think that piracy selfishly robs funds from out of the pockets of rock gods, the Swiss government however has officially (meaning on paper) found that there’s no evidence to support that claim. On the contrary, from their studies they ran into a pretty interesting fact; that those who pirate entertainment are more likely to spend that extra wad of cash toward either attending concerts or buying other sorts of merchandise. In other words, the people in charge of Switzerland rejected legislation for new laws that fight against digital file-sharing when none were necessary to begin with. — More after the break!
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