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about 12 years ago
SGP has no shortage of cases for iPhone or iPad, and their Linear Mini series, while being their budget line, is far from being comparable to a generic means of protection ...
about 13 years ago
This week we talk some pretty important stuff like Anime Expo 2011, Captain America (is it good, bad, ugly?), MacBook Battery hacking, 3DS price cuts (now just $169), Battlefield 3 Alpha ...
about 13 years ago
This week, we have a special show because we’re giving away a copy of the new Annihilation DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops (Steam, PC). We’ve done Giveaways before, but ...
about 13 years ago
On this week’s show, Connor and Brandon talk Facebook Video chat, cereal and milk, Bioshock Infinite, Quadrotors, the new Youtube, Spotify coming to the US, Connor gets his iPhone hacked and ...
about 13 years ago
Special thanks — to Connor for filling in this episode!!! On this installment of the Okay Geek Show, Ricardo is away at the 2011 Anime Expo spreading the joy of Okay Geek with ...
about 13 years ago
  We have been underground bashing our keyboards and inhaling coffee for the past two weeks covering E3 2011 which has been a blast, but a lot of hard work. ...
about 13 years ago
  This week on the show, Ricardo and Brandon sit down and talk about the widest veryity of topics ever discussed before… we start with Basketball and end up talking ...
about 13 years ago
  This is our first video podcast, and we’re so proud we managed to do it live on Friday, all in one take. This episode, Ricardo and Brandon start the ...
about 13 years ago
  This week, we are talking about a veryity of topics that are strange, just as they are awesome. We’re talkin’ Bear Grylls, Piss, Thor, vocaloid raves, and a bunch ...
about 13 years ago
  You remember the our old podcast right? Well that was somewhat of a test. A test to see if our readers would enjoy hearing us and listening to what ...
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Articles filed in News


How to install working Siri hack onto your jailbroken iPhone 4 or 4th Gen iPod Touch right now

Updated on Dec 7, 2011 by Registered CommenterRicardo Trejo

The code has been cracked and the highest of multi-defence Apple security has been breached. The iPhone 4S’ exclusive Siri personal assistant is now available for those willing to jailbreak and install a new working hack that brings over the app to iPhone 4’s and 4th Gen. iPod touches. — Details on how to do so after the break!


Julian Assange: "iPhone, Blackberry, Gmail users are all 'screwed' -- (Video)

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Julian Assange: "iPhone, Blackberry, Gmail users are all 'screwed' -- (Video)

If you live in the year 2011 and believe that your internet, mobile, and social activity isn’t monitored on a 24/7 hour basis then my friend, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Julian Assange paints the picture quite bluntly in this video where he explains that in a post-9/11 world, it’s more common than you think that spy software is being contracted out by local governments to monitor its citizens — even on their private devices.


Xenoblade finally making its way to North America, exclusively at GameStop

Well, lookie here! It would appear that after much griping from JRPG fans, Nintendo has actually caved in and will be releasing one of the titles from Operation Rainfall’s demands list in North America after all. Xenoblade Chronicles, which up until a few months ago was a Japanese exlusive (which then branched out with localized versions in Europe), is finally getting ported over to the states and its north and southern neighbors as well. And when we say ported over, we mean “ported over” — as in we’re getting the British voice track. Not only that, but you’re only going to be able to buy the store at one place. Can you guess where? — More after the break!


GamePro magazine and website set to shutdown next week, goodnight sweet prince

Long before the internet, gamefaqs, or message boards, there existed gaming publications that were essential to anyone who called themself an avid video game player. Back in the day the big boys on the block were EGM, Nintendo Power, and of course, GamePro. During the early to mid-90’s it was all about which kid on your street had a subscription you could borrow from or how much information you could soak into your brain during trips to the super market. Cheats, walkthroughs, and previews to the latest games were what made any self respecting kid a big shot amongst his friends. This hits personally to us, and it saddens us to hear that the fine folks at GamePro are closing up shop after more than 20 years in the business. — More after the break!


Microwave does away with annoying BEEPING, plays your favorite songs via USB port instead - (Video)

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BGH QUICK CHEF MUSIC CASE from brenocosta on Vimeo.

Microwave does away with annoying BEEPING, plays your favorite songs via USB port instead - (Video)

This is what makes people millionaires — ideas like this. You get something that is so everyday and ordinary, like the beeping alarm off a microwave, replace it with enjoyable tunes via a USB port, and just like that your bank account is now earning 7 digit figures. Seriously, we gotta give the BGH Quick Chef Music Case Microwave designers props on this historic concept.


Major firmware update for 3DS due out by December 8th

We heard talk about an incoming update for the 3DS that was going to enhance many of the onboard capabilities for the 3D, but we never posted any details on it since we weren’t sure when it was going to launch. Well, strike that — Nintendo originally hoped to see it out to the masses by the end of November but now it seems that’s been delayed. But don’t fret, you’ll see it out by Dec. 8th. So what do you get with this ‘major’ update? Well, the ability to take 3D video, for starters. — More after the break! 


The Office's Dunder Mifflin branded paper will soon be sold by Staples

Here at Okay Geek, the staff have an affinity for all things The Office. Though personally, I must admit that I was highly skepticle of the direction the show was heading in season 8, and so was the rest of America — with the show receiving its lowest ratings ever. So in hopes of giving the Dunder Mifflin employees afloat in their fictional world, Staples has struck a pretty interesting deal with NBC to soon sell Dunder Mifflin branded paper online. — More after the break!

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