Marvel and DC superwomen are breast cancer awareness advocates
While not officially licensed by DC Comics, these breast awareness ads couldn’t be any more of a tasteful and classy depiction of our female superheroes. To fight crime is one thing, but to also do PSA’s for the continued protection and well being of Earth’s citizens goes above and beyond. Drawn up by artist Maísa Chaves (on deviant art as Halfy), these comic book heroines were used in ads during the annual Mozambique Fashion Week (Dec. 5th - 10th), in which breast cancer awareness was being campaigned for.
The Mozambican advertising agency DDB Maputa was at the helm of this inspirational project and had the following message embedded on each of the illustrations:
Nobody’s immune to breast cancer
When we talk about breast cancer, there’s no women or superwomen. Everybody has to do the self-examination monthly. Fight with us against this enemy and, when in doubt, talk to your doctor.
(Click to enlarge images)