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Articles filed in Comics


Warner Bros. concerned over reaction to Bane's voice in Dark Knight Rises

We’ve been posting leaks, trailers, and all that good stuff, so by now you’ve more than likely heard the infamous muffled voice of Tom Hardy’s Bane. It suits the character for sure, but is it too much? Some members of the media who were given a sneak peek at the 6-min. prologue complained that Bane sounded a little too “unintelligiable”. And movie-goers also raised their concerns to Twitter when watching both the prologue and trailer. The studio is on Chris Nolan’s back about this but he seems to want to go with what they’ve got, as if it’s part of his master plan. — More after the break!


Wolverine pirate gets 1 year of federal prison and we wonder if it was worth it

It’s been nearly two years to the day when we first reported news about Gilerbto Sanchez, a.k.a. the guy who uploaded the leaked, unfinished version of the Oscarworthy, Marvel masterpiece X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Well, the verdict has come and its been decreed upon this evil man who would dare share such a crappy movie with millions of would-be piraters, that he be given 1 full year in a federal prison. Dang, son! I wonder if Ryan Reynolds will visit him in the clink? — More after the break!


Marvel and DC superwomen are breast cancer awareness advocates

While not officially licensed by DC Comics, these breast awareness ads couldn’t be any more of a tasteful and classy depiction of our female superheroes. To fight crime is one thing, but to also do PSA’s for the continued protection and well being of Earth’s citizens goes above and beyond. Drawn up by artist Maísa Chaves (on deviant art as Halfy), these comic book heroines were used in ads during the annual Mozambique Fashion Week (Dec. 5th - 10th), in which breast cancer awareness was being campaigned for. — More after the break!


Chris Nolan explains why Bane is the perfect villain for the Dark Knight finale

Back in 2006, when Heath Ledger was first chosen as the next guy to portray Batman’s arch-nemesis, the Joker, the entire Batman fandom called foul. How could a gay cowboy play the most iconic, comic-book villain of all time? Fast forward a few years and an Academy Award victory cemented Ledger, as well as the The Dark Knight, into what would become THE best superhero film of all time. With an answer like that it’s hard to question anything that Christopher Nolan dreams up — especially after following up the last Batman movie with an original masterpiece in Inception. So, now that The Dark Knight Rises is soon to be released next summer, why exactly did Nolan go with Bane opposite Batman in the finale instead of someone else more well known, like Riddler? Nolan would like to explain. — More after the break!


Batman tries to convince the 99% that the 1% aren't THAT bad -- (Video)

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Batman tries to convince the 99% that the 1% aren't THAT bad -- (Video)

Chew on this; while you sleep soundly in your bed each night Batman is out there fighting crime on your behalf. But what happens when those same people turn their backs on Bruce Wayne, the moonlighting, playboy millionaire whose rich-boy antics make him public enemy number one? Well, as Occupy Wall Street continues to go strong, nobody seems to give any thought on just how this might affect Gotham City. I mean, can you imagine if Wayne Enterprises had to pay the taxes as us? There’d be no Batwing for sure! 


6 minute prologue to Dark Knight Rises will air before IMAX screenings of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

It’s pretty safe to say that Dark Knight Rises is the most anticipated film of 2012 by far. It’s predecessor became the third most grossing box office smash, third only to Titanic and Avatar — both creations of James Cameron. This next installment is sure to be one to watch for, and especially due to its interesting choice in its cast and villains (Catwoman and Bane primarily). We’re strapped for any new information we can get our hands on, and thankfully we’ll soon see our first real look at what the finale in the Batman Begins trilogy holds. — More after the break!


The Avengers gets its first action-packed trailer -- (Video)

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The Avengers gets its first action-packed trailer -- (Video)

For those who stayed ‘til the end of Captain America you got to see a short teaser of The Avengers. Well, here’s the first, full trailer to the mash-up film that comic book fans have been waiting for, well… their whole lives! Try to imagine your 10 year old self not freaking out at the sight, or even the thought of this happening.