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    Next Pokemon game goes feudal Japan with Nobunaga's Ambition

    Doth my eyes decieve me or is Nintendo setting Pokemon in feudal Japan along with katana-weilding Samurai’s? But wait a minute, wait minute… this all seems too good to be true. And as you probably already guessed it, yes, it is too good to be true. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this isn’t the next major Pokemon RPG you’ve been waiting for all these years. In reality, this game is a cross over between the Japanese favorite real-time-strategy series, Nobunaga’s Ambition, and the cuddly pocket friends we love so much from Pokemon. Announced at the annual Jump Festa event in Japan, this spin-off title dubbed Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition (clever name) is set to release in Spring of 2012 in the region, with no word yet on a worldwide release. We have a trailer on the other side of the read more button. 


    How website speed affects traffic and revenue - Infographic

    When building a website, one of the hardest things is trying to squeeze as much out of it, while at the same time keeping a small footprint. Every image, script, letter, icon, video and CSS file has to travel through wires across the globe to the user in a few seconds, and less time it takes the better. As the amount of time it takes for your site to load, the amount of people that leave increases exponentially. The following infographic is a good example as to why some sites perform well, and others don’t do so hot.


    The Dark Knight Rises, 2 minute Official trailer has been leaked - Video

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    The Dark Knight Rises, 2 minute Official trailer has been leaked - Video

    Just a heads up that this is a pretty crappy version (quality wise), so if you’re waiting for the real thing, it should be available to watch in glorious HD in a few weeks. If you’re too stubborn to wait like the rest of us, feel free to watch the epicness contained within this video, just know that it’s not the way Christopher Nolan would want it. When the official release sparks, we’ll give you a heads up! UPDATE: replaced w/ official HD release of trailer.


    SOPA explained by Law Graduate (and gamer) TotalBiscuit - Video

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    SOPA explained by Law Graduate (and gamer) TotalBiscuit - Video

    This is the only video on the internet you should be talking about right now, because it’s the one video that shows exactly how serious the SOPA bill actually is. This isn’t another crackpot freaking out, or an extremist flying off the wall - this is a 28 year old dude that lives in the UK explaining how the people who made pizza a vegetable (aka, your government) is going to methodically destroy everything the internet stands for - this isn’t funny, and it is time for action.


    The Dark Knight Rises Prologue Leaks (video) - Transcript included

    SPOILER WARNING - This video contains footage leading up to the new Batman film coming next year, and the transcript details everything in the video. The video is pretty bad quality and the audio is a bit out of sync, but it’s the best the guy recording it could do, and that’s why we included the transcript. There’s not much else left to say other than it looks awesome, and we can’t wait to see the final cut on the silver screen!


    Free GBA games for 3DS Ambassadors now available for download

    You’d think that as part of their loyal fanbase who went out and dished out over $200 to buy the hulking 3DS machine, Nintendo would at least be kind enough to tell us when their GBA line-up was ready for download, right? Well, the games are available now and NOA is still mum through both press release and 3DS notification. Weird, I would say but at least  the games and release dates formally announced through Nintendo of Europe remain unchanged for those of us in the states. Download them now! — More after the break!


    Marvel and DC superwomen are breast cancer awareness advocates

    While not officially licensed by DC Comics, these breast awareness ads couldn’t be any more of a tasteful and classy depiction of our female superheroes. To fight crime is one thing, but to also do PSA’s for the continued protection and well being of Earth’s citizens goes above and beyond. Drawn up by artist Maísa Chaves (on deviant art as Halfy), these comic book heroines were used in ads during the annual Mozambique Fashion Week (Dec. 5th - 10th), in which breast cancer awareness was being campaigned for. — More after the break!

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